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My Story

Hi, I’m Amy – a certified Health Coach (dipCNM, mANP), specialising in energy optimisation and stress.

Having worked in corporate law for the first few years of my career, I have experienced first-hand how - if left unmanaged - a fast-paced, busy life can negatively impact our health & wellbeing. Energy crashes, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, mood changes, dysregulated appetite, sleep difficulties…​

I'm a huge believer that we do not need to sacrifice our health in order to build success in other aspects of our lives. In fact, the opposite is true; only when we prioritise our health can we show up as the best versions of ourselves.​​​

Leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle whilst also contributing to our success & happiness is totally possible – we just aren’t taught how to do it.

Earlier this year, I qualified as a Health Coach from the College of Naturopathic Medicine. I loved learning about how we can use our diets & lifestyles to optimise our health, and how decisions we make today can propel our wellbeing.


Having tweaked my own diet & lifestyle over the past few years, I now experience almost none of the symptoms mentioned above. I wake up feeling energised; I feel strong in my body; I feel calm & rested.

Amy Carter Health Coaching

We need to shift our mindsets from ‘I don’t have time for health’ to ‘health is a prerequisite for my success & happiness, by supporting my energy, focus, mood and stress management'.


I decided to carve a new path for myself, providing education and support to others looking to find balance & fuel success via improved health & energy.

If you can resonate with my experience or if you’re feeling inspired to take a leap on your own health journey, please do reach out – I’d love to hear from you.

Diet and Lifestyle
My Approach
  • Sustainability: I’m a huge believer that, in order to have real impact, our lifestyle/nutrition practices must be sustainable…quick fixes and fads are not my thing! I like to focus on realistic, achievable and convenient practices which are tailored to you and your lifestyle. This way, our practices can become habits, with the power to transform our health long-term.

  • Positivity & Balance: One of my core values is the importance of a positive and balanced health narrative. I think it’s such a shame that ‘health’ is often associated with restriction & guilt…I don’t believe that ‘being healthy’ requires an ‘all or nothing’ approach, nor should it stop us living our lives to the fullest. Instead, I believe that health can be achieved via a number of different avenues; that we should focus on what we can add, establish balance in our lives and prioritise what makes us feel strong & vibrant!

  • Fundamental Pillars: I focus on the power of improving basic – but fundamental – pillars of health, such as our nutrition, hydration, exercise, sleep & stress management. These crucial aspects of our lifestyles often get lost in the noise of green powders, shakes and fancy health equipment. So, I bring health back to basics and focus on getting it right where it matters the most.

  • Naturopathic: Having studied at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, I take a naturopathic approach to my work. This means that I focus on what we can do naturally – via nutrition & lifestyle shifts - to improve our health and wellbeing.

Lifestyle and diet
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